Various Uses Of Flaxseed For Good Health

Considered by few to be one of the most potent plant food on this planet, there’s some evidence to advise that it may help mitigate the risks of heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, and cancer. These tiny golden yellow to reddish brown seeds possess phytoestrogens, a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound similar to the hormone estrogen along with an essential omega-3 fatty acid: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Apart from being consumed, these seeds have been used as a medicine since 5000 BC.

A large variety of today’s food, starting from crackers to oatmeal, contains flaxseed (Alsi). With an increase in consumer demand, the agricultural uses of flaxseeds have also grown. A six to eight-fold increase in the omega-3 fatty acid levels in eggs are observed when egg-laying hens are fed flaxseed.
People to treat constipation, diarrhoea, diverticulitis, colon damage, irritable colon, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, and enteritis. Best Flaxseed oil capsules are also used to regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and metabolic syndrome, among others.

best flaxseed capsules

How does it work?

The seed coat primarily contains the fiber in Flaxseed supplements. When consumed before a meal, flaxseed fiber tends to make people feel less hungry. So you end up eating less food. The fibre fastens up with cholesterol in the intestine, thus preventing it from being absorbed. Flaxseed also helps to manufacture platelets, tiny blood cells responsible for forming clots. These effects on cholesterol and platelets contribute to lower the risk of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.

Lignans, a large group of polyphenols, that are similar to the female hormone estrogen, are also found in Flaxseeds. Lignans are so similar to estrogen that the body tends to produce less estrogens when systematic doses of lignans are supplied to the collection regularly. This provides assistance to hinder the growth of certain breast cancers that thrive on estrogen.

Since flaxseed helps to decrease the thickness of blood and regulate cholesterol levels, an improvement in kidney function is also observed.

Flaxseed capsule benefits-

Diabetes: Flaxseed consumption improves the control of blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. The most significant benefits can be observed when used for a minimum of 12 weeks.

High cholesterol: A 5% to 15% reduction in total cholesterol and an 8% to 18% reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is observed in men and pre-menopausal women with high cholesterol levels.

High blood pressure: Supplementing one's diet with Flaxseed capsules throughout 4 to 6 months, reduces blood pressure.

Mastalgia (breast pain): Ingesting Flaxseed capsules daily for two months results in the reduction of menstrual breast pain.

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): Kidney functions in people with SLE improve with regular uses of flaxseed capsules.

Weight loss: Consuming 30 grams of Flaxseed regularly for a minimum of 12 weeks can help to reduce the body mass index of overweight individuals.

Flaxseeds for skin: Omega 3 fatty acids in Flaxseed capsules manage skin irritation, skin rashes, and redness. It helps in moisturizes the skin, prevent wrinkles, fight against pimples, and protects tanning.

Flaxseed for hair: Consumption of Flaxseed makes your hair elastic, stronger, and prevent breakage of hair. It also helps in nourishes your scalp by preventing flaking, scalp dryness and dandruff.

Daily Doses of Flaxseed capsules-

It will depend on your overall health and how much omega-3 fatty acids you have in your diet. The general recommendation is to take one capsule twice a day to observe the nutritional benefits of Flaxseed capsules.
